Svalbard Adventures

Svalbard from a plane. Aerial photo.
The west coast of Svalbard from the plane.

I stayed on the arctic archipelago of Svalbard January until August 2016. March 2017 I'll return.

Besides studying at The University Centre in Svalbard, I did a lot of skiing and some trips.

In this section you can find all about it:



A new Beginning

In a few weeks I’ll set sails towards Longyearbyen again. I’m excited to be living and studying in Svalbard for another two months. This is a great reason to start up this blog again. As you can see, I reworked the design a little to make the site more enjoyable for you. I even got my own domain “”.


To get started with the blog again I’d like to tell you how my time on Svalbard came to an end and, at the same time, paved the way for my next stay...

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It's been a while...

...since my last post.


The Semester is over and even though we all recognised the time flying by it came as a surprise. Especially the last weeks before the finals were pretty intense and got us even closer. But as soon as the exams were written a lot of people started to leave all the sudden. It was a weird feeling to say goodbye to someone every time a plane left.

Initially me and a couple of friends planned a ski-camping trip to the other side of Isfjorden (Trygghamna). We had everything planned out packed gear, bought food, rented a boat and organised a driver.  When we arrived at the boat we realised that it was far smaller than expected and we would have to go over several times to transport all the people and our gear.

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Coco - The Video

After some time off I'd like to present you something we've been working on for some weeks now.


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Esther & Tim's arctic experience

From the 23rd of March to the 30th Tim and I have been visiting Nik in Svalbard. It was an amazing experience up there 78° north, a number you can't forget as it is written everywhere.


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Field trip to Svea

After our nice cabin weekend I had just enough time to by some more wool Monday morning before we left at noon. We drove our scooters to Barentsburg, the Russian settlement first. As most of the trip the weather was amazing.

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Cabin trip to Foxdalen

I'm back! After a week in the field with my class I'm sitting in a snowstorm and got time to write some lines.

Together with some friends I spent the weekend before our field trip in a cosy cabin about half an hour with the snow scooter from town.


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The first scooter trip to an ice cave

A lot has happened the last days: Skiing, an awesome Party and a lot of uni. But today I'd like to share my latest trip with you.

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HowTo: Sewing a fur ruff

When we were doing a ski tour last week it was very windy. In combination with the low temperatures that can be quite unpleasant. One of my friends didn't bother, he had a fur ruff around the hood of his jacket. Since he made it himself I decided to do the same.

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Skiing skiing skiing

I know! You haven't heard from me in a while. To be honest I was very busy skiing. And when I wasn't I had to be in uni or attend parties. You see it's been quite rough but I hope this litte skiing gallery will light up your mood.

By the way: THE SUN IS BACK!!!

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Answer Esther and Fieldwork

In this article I'd like to shed some light on Esther's questions and write about my first day in the field yesterday. I'm really happy to receive questions about whatever you think I could answer. It makes writing a lot easier. Therefore thank you Esther!

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Polarjazz Festival

It's been a while since my post about the snow scooter course. But don't worry I didn't forget you! I've just been very busy practicing with the BigBand for the, believe it or not, northernmost music festival: Polarjazz.

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Snowscooter Course

Wendsday we finally got an introduction how to ride snowscooters. They are the mean subject of transportation around here and the valleys literally turn into highways as soon as there is enough sonw on the ground. We will use them a lot during the fieldseason on our excursions. But before we were allowed to go out we got an basic course in scooter mechanics and how to pack the sledges (basically trailers).

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Mine 2b

Close to my Barrack there is an abandoned Mine. After a ski tour in the morning a couple of friends and I went up to check out the place and take some pictures. The mine was in use from 1937 until 1968. Today it is protected as cultural heritage and can be visited. It was a lot of fun to wander in the abandoned place and check out the stuff that was left behind. Many parts are covered with thick ice at least this time of the year.

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No school

Our lecture this morning got cancelled and we used the opportunity to do another tour to Trollsteinen. In the beginning it was a little cloudy but during the ascent it opened up. Unfortunately it started snowing when we reached the top. Never the less it was a great trip and the snow on the way down was once again perfect.

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Tonight we had a nice bondfire right behind my house. And even the northern lights visited us. Check in for some pictures.

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Courses and the first excursion

This week uni finally started. After an exhausting 6 days of safety training it is nice to be back on a more relaxed schedule. The first lectures were mainly an introduction to the geology department as well as the main objectives of the courses. We already went on a little excursion today also.

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First ski tour

Right after I got up on Sunday I was told that a couple of people would go for a ski tour. One of the guys from the safety course has been living in Longyearbyen for quite some time and knows the area. When he picked us up he also brought a friend who is a guide up here. Considering this company I felt very safe on my first real trip out of town.

We started from our house and went into a side valley up to a glacier called Larsbreen. It was erie to skin up the mountain. The moon was so bright that we didn't use our headlamps most of the time. About half the way up also northern lights appeared in the sky. As if that wasn't enough the horizon to the south let us know that the sun still existed and gleamed in a faint red-gold.

We decided to climb even higher to a peak called Trollsteinen. On top the whole scene was even more stunning. It was amazing to see the surrounding landscape in the moonshine. And the peak itself definitely deserves its name due to a huge boulder that sits on top.
I really hated myself for not bringing my camera but fortunately the other guys had theirs with them. (click)

The snow on the way down was amazing (apparently very rare conditions for the area) and I really enjoyed my new skis. For me it was the first time to ski in the dark and I wasn't sure how good it is to go down with a headlamp. I found out that it works great and at least in the easy terrain we were in it was a lot of fun.


Final safety drill

On the last day of our safety course we went over all of the things we learned so far. Afterwards we had an exam which was followed by a gathering.
The exercise took place on a snowfield about half an hour walk from hour student housing. In groups we had to solve different parts to the topics covered by the course.

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Polar bear protection

If people know one thing about staying in Svalbard then it is that you are required to carry a rifle as soon as you leave the settlement. This is a safety measure towards a potential polar bear attack. To be prepared for a possible encounter we get trained how to shoot a rifle and handle flare guns.

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Snow, Swimming and Crevasses

Looking out of the window this morning the weather seemed quite rough. It was snowing hard and it seemed to quite windy. Everybody was dressing up for a blizzard. But when we got out we recognised: Yes it was snowing and yes the wind was blowing but it was warmer than the last days. Therefore I needed to stop several times on my way to UNIS to open zippers to let some cold air in between my layers.
The weather didn't change during the day. So the exercises of the safety course finally didn't feel as much like training anymore.

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Day one, two and the northernmost BigBand

My fist day at UNIS was very interesting but so long that I fell asleep as soon as I got home. It started with the walk from Nybyen to Longyearbyen at 8 a.m. and we had lectures until the evening. Today was not as exhausting and I could manage to write another post.

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Off to Svalbard

On January 9th I left my home and started a journey to study at UNIS on Svalbard. I flew from Düsseldorf and spent one night in Oslo. The next morning my plane to Longyearbyen left.

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