I'm back! After a week in the field with my class I'm sitting in a snowstorm and got time to write some lines.
Together with some friends I spent the weekend before our field trip in a cosy cabin about half an hour with the snow scooter from town.
We did some skiing and played a lot of games. Unfortunately the battery of my scooter was flat on Sunday and instead of joining a ski trip I had to take care of that. After doing so we did some filming for a project I'll tell you about in a little bit.
Stay tuned and enjoy some pictures from the weekend.
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Michael (Tuesday, 15 March 2016 23:34)
So also begrüßt man bei Euch die Sonne! Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass es auf Spitzbergen solche Hütten gibt. Wir freuen uns darauf, auch etwas davon mitzuerleben.