The first scooter trip to an ice cave

A lot has happened the last days: Skiing, an awesome Party and a lot of uni. But today I'd like to share my latest trip with you.

Since snow scooters are pretty much the only probable way to get around in winter I paired up with a friend and bought one a couple of weeks ago. It took some time to register it and get the insurance straight but since last week we are ready to go.
Today we went to a nearby valley called Bolterelva. It was the last chance to go there with a scooter since it is closed for dogsledding and skiing from tomorrow.
The goal was to do a ski tour and sneak into an ice cave. Ice caves are basically channels for meltwater in the summer that freeze / dry up in the winter time. It was an amazing experience to be inside the glacier but see for yourself:

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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Ulli (Thursday, 03 March 2016 12:05)

    Unglaublich schön - wir sind schon fast da. Tolle Photos. Ulli

  • #2

    Susanne (Friday, 11 March 2016 22:00)

    wir lesen deinen Blogg super gerne, Niklas! Lieben Gruß, Susanne und Martin

  • #3

    Schaaf Heidi (Monday, 28 March 2016 17:37)

    Hallo Niklas!Ganz tolle Bilder!Schöne Zeit und viel Spass frohe Ostern!
    Liebe Grüsse Heidi!