HowTo: Sewing a fur ruff

When we were doing a ski tour last week it was very windy. In combination with the low temperatures that can be quite unpleasant. One of my friends didn't bother, he had a fur ruff around the hood of his jacket. Since he made it himself I decided to do the same.

In opposition to the fur ruffs on the jackets you can see in the cities at home they serve another purpose than fashion. The ruff breaks the wind and keeps your face warm and sheltered from frostbite.
So I went to the fur shop in town and talked to the nice lady there. She offers premade ones but they are quite costly. So she suggested I should try to use the leftover tails of the polar fox. They are very cheap probably because they are of no use for "normal" purposes.

Since I wanted the fur to be removable I needed to sew a velcro to the tails and also put one in the hood. Here is what you have to do in more detail:


Step 1

Buy two fox tails.

Step 2

Sew them together. Use a leather needle and strong yarn.

Step 3

Sew a piece of fabric with a velcro on in the tails.

Step 4

Get the tailor to sew the other side of the velcro in the hood of your jacket.

Look fabulous and never be cold again.

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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Michael (Sunday, 21 February 2016 16:28)

    Hallo Mr. Christmas!

  • #2

    Anne und Volker (Saturday, 27 February 2016 17:38)

    Hast du super gemacht. Habe heute deine Großeltern angerufen und von deiner Näharbeit erzählt. Deiner Oma habe ich genau erklärt wie du die beiden Schwänze mit einer Ledernadel zusammengenäht hast und dann noch mit einem Klettverschluss versehen hast. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass sie meinen Ausführungen folgen konnte.Deine eingestellten Bilder schauen wir gerne an. Da wir ja dort waren haben wir noch gute Erinnerungen.
    Herzliche Grüße Anne und Volker

  • #3 (Tuesday, 23 May 2017 02:33)

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