Wendsday we finally got an introduction how to ride snowscooters. They are the mean subject of transportation around here and the valleys literally turn into highways as soon as there is enough sonw on the ground. We will use them a lot during the fieldseason on our excursions. But before we were allowed to go out we got an basic course in scooter mechanics and how to pack the sledges (basically trailers).
When we were finished with that we dressed in oversized jumpsuits, facemasks and helmets. Off we went into Adventdalen, the main valley. It is as much fun to ride the scooters as it looks especially when you go a little faster. Our instructor led us to a place where we did some driving exercises such as riding in, up and down a slope without tipping the scooter over. We also had to dig out a scooter that got stuck in the snow. Afterwards we did a lunchbreak and went back to UNIS.
The pictures are from Instagram taken by friends of mine. I chose them not just because they are better photographers but since they went a day later weather and visibility were a lot better.
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Esther (Monday, 01 February 2016 16:33)
Hej Nik, I wonder how many students you actually are in your semester and especially when you do trips like this, they certainly split the group, don't they? Or do you think you could all go at once, that would be a lot of equipement for UNIS to have and rent. Do you have to pay like for the gas as we do back in Potsdam? All the best to the north!